2018 Global PMS Study

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  • Managing hotel operations is the traditional role of the PMS while distribution, customer relationship management and pricing decisions are often organized via separate systems
  • Multiple platforms with different data silos lead to increased workloads, ineffective processes, less flexibility and higher costs
  • Business intelligence is often insufficient because reporting is either not available and/or customization requires significant time and investment to implement
  • Hotels pay for the whole product suite rather than what they really need
  • System updates can cause problems in daily operations, and support is often weak
  • In many cases, the depth of integration with corresponding systems (e.g., CRS, CRM, RMS) is not optimized for hotel chains
  • PMSs typically do not offer sophisticated Internet Booking Engine front ends, missing to push more direct bookings
  • PMS functionality is not always up-to-date with local (legal) requirements, taxes, payment options, languages, etc.